Lost revenue calculator: Find your lost sales with digital shelf analytics

Use our calculator to reveal your lost sales opportunities and how you can turn these into revenue with digital shelf analytics.

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In digital commerce, every conversion counts. For each sale you make, there are sales you may lose. Want to see what missing product information, out-of-stock, or poor visibility may cost you in lost sales opportunities? Take a look below and calculate your average lost revenue.

The results might surprise you.

why managing your product information matters

Building a website that showcases your products is easy. However, new data shows just 9% of customers start shopping on a brand’s website.

To get their products seen, brands need to distribute quality product information to all their digital touchpoints, be it marketplaces, online retailers, or social channels. Because online shoppers don’t ask for help. If they can’t find the product information they need, they simply switch sites and buy elsewhere.

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Note: Fill in your data. No need to use thousand separators.

How do you compare? Are you doing better or worse than average?

Move the sliders to find out how common errors on the digital shelf impact your sales.
*This calculation is based on average data from current digital shelf customers from across the globe. Inriver ran a survey of 6,000 online shoppers in the US, Germany, and UK digging into the importance of quality product information, where they begin their online searches, and uncovering the strong emotions triggered when brands get it wrong.

Your annual lost sales opportunities

Do you know what influences your online shopper to click the buy button? How about what makes them switch brands? Download new research on shopper’s insights and expectations when shopping on the digital shelf to better meet their needs.

“Inside the mind of an online shopper” report delivers:

  • Actionable insights to optimize the digital shelf
  • How to turn revenue pitfalls into opportunities
  • A checklist to improve findability and ranking of your products across all touchpoints

Get your copy of the report here.

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