How to advocate for PIM within your company
August 18, 2021Learn how to grow internal support before you present business value to decision makers.
Selling the value of PIM within your company
As an internal champion for product information management, you’ve undoubtedly faced hurdles. Perhaps you’re competing with other large IT initiatives for the same budget dollars. Maybe your decision-makers don’t yet see the business value that PIM can provide your organization.
Such hurdles often delay PIM implementations and related product data process improvements, endangering the success of your e-commerce practice.
In this article, Ntara Business Analyst Eric Hundley outlines how to build a product data team. To begin, he recommends showing various departments within your company the value that PIM will provide their team members. From there, he explains how to build a list of PIM requirements and elevate those ROI messages to decision-makers at the top of the chain.
Read the full post here Learn how to advocate for PIM within your company.
guest author
Erik Hundley
Business analyst, Ntara
Eric Hundley has more than 20 years of PIM experience, from both the manufacturing side and the agency side. Today, Eric works as a Business Analyst at Ntara and uses that experience to help clients with complex products develop scalable PIM solutions.