Five in five with Francesca Novelli at Prysmian Group
In this episode, Francesca Novelli at Prysmian Group talks about digital transformation and the importance of people communicating together.
In this inaugural episode of Five in five: stories of modern commerce, we speak with Francesca Novelli, Customer Centricity and International Key Account Senior Manager at Prysmian Group.
Listen as she answers the following questions:
- Where are you from: job role, company, family?
- What does digital transformation mean for you?
- What’s one of the best lessons learned that you want to share?
- What path led you to where you are working today?
- What’s changed, what’s stayed the same, or what do you predict for the future?
This video is part of our series called Five in five: stories of modern commerce featuring visionary leaders and inriver customers. This is not a case study. It is a story of an individual, and of how they see and contribute to the industry.
Five in five: stories of modern commerce
featuring Francesca Novelli at Prysmian Group