Customer spotlight: Leading global construction equipment manufacturer

case study

Transforming product data chaos into triumph with state-of-the-art inriver PIM.

In today’s world of fast-paced commerce, efficiency is key. For one of the world’s top construction equipment manufacturers, efficiency meant the difference between success and stagnation.

The company faced a common challenge: product data governance, vital not only for its website, brochures, catalogs, and marketing materials, but also for legal, compliance, and sustainability reporting. Without a centralized product data management software, data management was chaotic. The global construction equipment manufacturer was known for its uncompromising quality and could not afford inconsistencies in their product data.

inriver customer case study: global construction equipment manufacturer

the key challenges

the solution

inriver was the missing piece in the manufacturer’s data puzzle.

The inriver PIM solution, implemented by the platinum solution partner Nexer, became the company’s game-changer. The state-of-art PIM, scalable, composable and with high-performance data modeling to capture the comprehensive information required, allowed the global enterprise to manage technical specifications, product features, images, and create product catalogs and configurations. The inriver PIM is more than just a solution, it’s a revolution for managing product data across the entire product journey providing enterprise-wide robust data governance.

inriver customer case study: global construction equipment manufacturer

According to Gartner in the Gartner Market Guide for PIM Solutions, “The inriver PIM solution covers the full product data life cycle.”

the results

By working with Nexer to implement the inriver PIM solution, the global brand cut lead times and costs. Instead of manual document creation, inriver PIM automatically pulled data, saving time and reducing errors.


Inriver PIM is more than a technology; it’s a strategic asset, transforming how businesses handle product information. For this leading global construction equipment manufacturer, it’s been the missing piece in their journey to greater efficiency, accuracy, and success.

Ready to transform your product journey? Book a demo with one of our experts and embark on your inriver journey today. Equip your enterprise with the only PIM solution that powers the entire product journey.