Columbus Value Now for inriver

PIM accelerator

Value Now is an implementation package based on the idea of an MVP including specific add-on packages that will increase value for the customer.

The Purpose with Value Now for inriver is to maximise short-term value and minimise time-to-market for a solution to enable faster ROI.

Value Now for inriver is a solution-based on a PIM accelerator and specific add-ons packages that will increase value for the customer.

The solution is founded on our best practices that we have fine-tuned over more than 10 years of implementing inriver PIM and other PIM-solutions in several verticals.

With Value Now for inriver we are able to focus on short time value but building a road map meeting long term requirements and vision.

Together, we start with a light discovery workshop where we guide, educate and create a common vision of your needs and match them with our PIM accelerator.  You have the flexibility to combine add-ons from our toolbox that are specific to your individual requirements. The direct output of the workshop is used to plan and implement a focus, a faster-time-to-market project delivering immediate ROI.

Solution Highlights:

About Columbus

Columbus (formerly iStone) has been a proud inriver partner for over 10 years with a leading position on the global market. With experience from over 60 customers and more than 50 in-house experts, we know what it takes for a successful PIM-implementation.

As one of the leading consulting companies within e-commerce, Columbus works in close cooperation with both customers and partners, with the goal to become the leading e-commerce partner in the Nordics.

Columbus is an IT consulting company with more than 2,000 employees around the world. We help you with the development, implementation, and maintenance of your digital business solutions.

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