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inriver blog

News and views on the industry trends that matter to you, your business, and your PIM.

3 ways after-sales can transform manufacturing


Could after-sales transform your business? Here are 3 after-sales benefits manufacturers can leverage today.

Corporate Sustainability 101: Introduction to ESG


Sustainability is a hot topic, but what does it mean for businesses today? Our introduction to ESG sheds some light.

Multi-tenant vs single tenant: Not all clouds are equal


Multi-tenant or single-tenant? Your choice of SaaS solution can have a big impact on your business, but which one’s right for you?

My “Why”: PIM can make the world better 


In the second post of his blog series “Powering a sustainable future”, inriver CEO Niels Stenfeldt shares his “why” that motivates his career in PIM.

Omnichannel Selling: The new B2B imperative


Is your omnichannel strategy where it needs to be? This new B2B imperative could have major impacts on your profitability.

5 ways to boost your B2B e-commerce strategy


Is your e-commerce strategy firing on all cylinders? Leverage these 5 tips to give your B2B sales a boost.

The role of manufacturing in a circular economy


It might be the hottest term in sustainability, but what does the circular economy mean for manufacturing? And what benefits does it bring?

After-sales 101: Upping your post-purchase game


Discover how supporting the full customer lifecycle can create new post-sale revenue opportunities.

The benefits of composability in manufacturing


Composable commerce opens a whole new world of opportunities, benefits, and more for forward-thinking manufacturers.

Insights on Data Quality and the Chicago River 


In his new blog series “Powering a sustainable future”, inriver CEO Niels Stenfeldt takes inspiration from the Chicago River.

Digital Product Passport: The journey to sustainability


Products will soon need a passport for their journey. But what is a Digital Product Passport?

Manufacturing Customization 101: Personalization at scale


Customization offers flexibility and personalization with the low unit costs of mass production – and a possible route to circularity.