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Find out why over 1,600 global brands trust inriver to power their product journeys with a guided demo from an inriver expert.

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analyzing e-commerce performance analytics

experience the full power of the inriver platform

Whether you’re looking for greater sustainable transparency, better omnichannel selling, or elevated buying experiences, inriver has the complete software solution for your products, customers, and business.

Our industry-leading SaaS platform can help you meet the evolving demands of commerce and turn every touchpoint into a profit-maker:

Greater sustainable transparency
Exceed demands from consumers, regulators, and more with a single source of data truth at every stage of the product journey, from sourcing to recycling.

Better omnichannel selling
Build optimized paths to purchase for every customer with product data syndication (PDS) and digital shelf analytics (DSA), closing the data loop and letting you sell smarter online.

Elevated customer experiences
Meet growing buyer expectations for the personal touch with data intelligence that helps you always put the customer first before, during, and after the sale.

ready to start your inriver journey?

Enter your details below and one of our experts will get in touch about setting up a personalized demo to show you exactly what inriver can do for you.

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