How can Evaluate help you sell more online-fast?


The amount of people shopping online has dramatically increased. So, how can brands stand out from the competition?

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Online shoppers have always been less loyal than in-store shoppers. And during the pandemic, the number of online shoppers and the number of products available has skyrocketed! In this new reality, how can brands stand out from the competition? How can they make sure their products are in stock, properly displayed, and easy to find? The answer is digital shelf analytics (DSA).

Watch this video to learn:
  • How Evaluate enables brands to quickly analyze the digital shelf and identify new opportunities, instantly.
  • How DSA eliminates manual audits and helps you take immediate action to prevent costly returns and lost sales.
  • How customers use Evaluate to analyze the digital shelf.
  • Why using PIM and DSA together ensures a single source of truth, actionable feedback, and increased sales.
Joakim Gavelin,
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